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Making hope contagious.
Lifeblood is about nothing less than total life transformation. This set of films, video, and curriculum is a constantly evolving project designed to reach out to people who may have lost hope as a result of addiction, incarceration or other major life challenges.

strategy development through production design
“I would gladly participate in whatever capacity to help facilitate a positive change in the lives of these my fellow inmates”.
-Lure H.

trailer : men's video curriculum

“With the introduction of LifeBlood into Australia this program will help a lot of Indigenous men. I know and believe that Indigenous men are influenced by the African-American “Gangsta” lifestyle. Because I used to be one of them and thought like that”.
-Eccles M.
women's curriculum

trailer : women's video curriculum

“Maybe if there was something like this run in prison when I was young, it could have turned my life around a lot sooner than later. LifeBlood could help some younger kids now, before they go down the same road I did”.
- Mark L.
trailer : youth live event

live event concept development

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live event website
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